Stream or River Restoration

Environmental Remediation Contractor restores the natural state and functionality of streams and river systems. This supports biodiversity, recreation, flood management, and landscape development. An expanded habitat for diverse species (e.g. fish, aquatic insects, other wildlife) and reduced stream bank erosion can enhance water health. Such enhancements may include improved water quality (i.e. reduction of pollutant levels and an increase of dissolved oxygen levels) and achieve a self-sustaining, functional flow regime in the stream system that does not require periodic human intervention, such as dredging or construction of flood control structures. Stream restoration projects can yield increased property values in adjacent areas.

Techniques involve Channel Modification, cross vanes, j-hooks, imbricated rip rap, step pools, installation, and planting of root wads, brush layering, live branches, live stakes, bare roots, shrubs, and trees.

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