Client: Ohio Department of Transportation
Design Engineer: Cardno
Completed: 2018
Low Head Dam Removal

Located in the Great Miami River in downtown Dayton, Ohio, the Tait Station Low-Head Dam was constructed in 1935. Its primary purpose was to supply cooling water for Tait Station, a coal-fired electric-generating power plant. Environmental Remediation Contractor removed the 83-year-old 569’ long low-head dam to increase recreational use, riverfront revitalization, and eco-tourism.

Constructed of reinforced concreate with flashboards, the low-head dam was 569 feet long, 30 feet wide, and consisted of four different sections. After constructing a temporary causeway, ERC removed & dewatered 10,000 CY of sediment followed by the demolition and debris removal of the low head dam. We then installed a constructed riffle, followed by grading and establishing the riverbanks and inner-channel benches. The site was restored with seeding and planting of the disturbed areas.